Monday, February 16, 2009

Honesty is the Best Policy

I am a big fan of reviews. Who wants to buy something and then it not deliver what it promises? Not me.

A Mom in Red High Heels is here to help. Her goal is to educate Moms on how to look great and feel fabulous. She is there to encourage, support and educate Moms on all things beauty and style. Knowledge is empowering. Her hope is to empower women, just like a great pair of red high heels does.

Her site is quite the wealth of information in regards to all things beauty and she has the credentials... as she calls Califor-to-the-n-i-a home. A fun features on her site is Reader Reviews . I love how she offers an assortment of products that are reviewed by gals just like us. Prices and where to find each item are also included, taking out the guesswork.

The Reader Reviews are just one layer of her site. Head over there and spend some time browsing around. There is something for everyone!


IE Mommy Blogger said...

Oh how awesome to see Tammy get some great recognition! She is an amazing person..and super fashionable. I have done some reviews for her in the past and they have been a blast to do. You can swing by the IE Mommy site to see the latest reviews that I have done for Tammy...but if you really want to know all about the latest in greatest in fashion and makeup then swing by her won't regret it!