I was tagged by my sweet friend and neighbor, Tami Whitmarsh, to blog 6 random things about myself.
Here are the tagging rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you are tagged, DO IT and pass it along
So, here are my Random Facts:
1. I drove a 4o ft. shuttle bus at Texas A&M, so that means I had a commercial drivers license.
2. I am a marketer's dream. If I hear about something new, especially food, I HAVE to find it and try it.
3. Tray and I met Stephen Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth, on our honeymoon cruise. Where did we meet them? We first saw them while taking a walk on the deck but we talked with them at length in the casino. Shhh, don't tell anyone I was in a casino, I'm Baptist.
4. I have never broken a bone and the first time I was ever in the hospital was to give birth to my 1st son.
5. My Mother In Law was one of my professors at A&M and I walked the stage and graduated with her on the same day that she received her PhD.
6. Someday I'll inherit a Precious Moments collection worth over $60,000. I pray my mother sells them ALL before that comes to fruition. If not, we are giving them away to each person who attends the visitation as party favors.
Tag, who's it? Ummm...I don't know who reads my blog and has a blog of their own to complete this challenge. Those who don't have blogs, how 'bout you answer in the comments section...does that work? And then get on the stick and create a blog, for the love!
1. Jenny Johnston
2. Michele Hackett
3. Kelly Marler
4. Nancy Monarch
5. Nancy Mattingly
6. Melissa Curtis
PS- Nicole & April, I think you are out there too! Feel free to give a shout out!
2 days ago
Too funny, my sister-in-law says she gets a Precious Moments inheritance as well. Cannot wait till next week, back to kicking each other into shape... feels like we did after we are done doesn't it?
SHOUT OUT back:)
I have a precious moments inhertitance too in my attic-will sell for cheaper than $60,000 to ANY interested party.
April(I can't remember my google password.)
thanks for doing your 6 random things...I just thought it was kinda fun...love the precious moments collection...hopefully, your mom doesn't read your blog!
you used to have a commercial driver's license?!!! I'm picturing it now.....
too good!
April~ You have everything, and know all thing, does not surprise me. Also Laurie I am going to do this thing, just haven't yet.
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