So, it's almost noon and I'm still in my pajamas.
Don't judge. It's rainy and wet...I'm just being productive indoors today.
I've been online shopping and making lists all morning.
Why does it seem like such a challenge to come up with ideas for gifts this year?
Is it because we truly have all we need?
I get it..I'm not a big fat scrooge. I know it's not always about needs at Christmas. What fun is that?
But as I cleaned out my house for a recent carpet cleaning, I couldn't help but see that there were many things that had resigned themselves to live forever on a shelf , in a closet or in a drawer.
Am I the only one who just wants to simplify this season and do several things well instead of doing a bunch of things half-way?
Maybe make a memory instead of buying something just for the sake of having something to wrap and unwrap?
So, in an effort to include our kiddos in the giving, not just receiving, we are trying a few new things this season.
First, we chose to draw names with one side of our family.
Yeah for progress!
Yep, threw everyone's name in a big 'ol bowl and set a dollar limit.
And just like that....the kids have shifted their focus from their own lists to finding something truly fun and unique for someone else that means a whole lot to them.
We also enjoy partnering with Operation Christmas Child, KSBJ's Giving Tree and for the first time, Tillman's Troops with our neighbors.
I'm sure you've heard of the tradition of choosing 3 the Wise Men brought 3 to Jesus....but I have to say I LOVED the idea I found today.
Choose 4 gifts: something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.
How 'bout them apples?
You could even combine the 2 ideas..and just pick 3 out of the 4.
Need a jump start? Here are some ideas from last year, all in one place.
What about you? Have any ideas you'd like to share?
2 days ago
Love the 4 idea. Thanks Laurie!
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