Today our family has extreme gratitude for those who fought and still are fighting for our safety and freedom.
Tray's grandfather served in the Navy in WWII. The Lord chose to bring him home to his family, but many of his fellow soldiers gave the ultimate sacrifice.
It's a daily sacrifice.
Do we really understand that?
Why does it take 3 holidays out of the year to bring back into focus the men and women that put their lives on the line daily?
Do we really understand all the special forces that spend their entire day trying to prevent danger by intervening before a plan comes to pass?
Today we want to offer extreme gratitude to my brother-in-law Kenneth, our Uncle Kenneth, 'Army-Sniper-Extraordinaire' as he is know as by my sons. We are grateful that day in September of 2001 struck such a nerve in your soul that you had to join the Army and protect and preserve the safety of the United States.
We are grateful the Lord chose to bring you home, and as a result, become a part of our family. We are very aware that was not the case of some of those you served with in Iraq. We honor those lives today and offer our gratitude.
Their service, their lives and their sacrifice does not go unnoticed.
2 days ago
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