How can something so small have such power?
Poorly chosen words can squelch enthusiasm, impact self-esteem, lower expectations and hold people back. Well chosen ones can motivate, offer hope, create vision, impact thinking and alter the way a person lives. And sometimes, words possess the ability to make someone's day or to completely ruin it.
A few Sundays back, we were heading home from church and '20 The Countdown Magazine' was on the radio. Some of the commentary is a bit cheeseball, but often they give the background of why bands choose their names. As unique as some artists' names are, that is a giant help. That particular day, Building 429 was featured and they revealed the inspiration for their name.
'429' is from Ephesians 4:29 which says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Ephesians 4:29 is huge in our home. When you have kiddos, they aren't always so nice to their siblings or even other friends. Heck, why even limited it to kids...couldn't everyone benefit from this gem? How many times have you carelessly said something that you wish you could take back? It's just like toothpaste....you can't stuff it back in the tube. How 'bout that? I did listen to the children's sermons growing up.
Stick with me....here's the cool part. After the band revealed how their name came to be, they also shared a way to put this verse into practice. When someone utters words that are less than kind, they are called out with a '429' violation for tearing that person down. They then have to say something to build that person back up. Love it! It's being put into practice at the Mounce home as we speak. Young and old alike. That sarcasm thing is a tough one to manage, isn't it?
Building 429 is just one example of artists desiring to use their God-given talents to further the Kingdom. They know people aren't just looking for a catchy song....they are looking for life. And life can only come out of an overflow of your relationship with Christ. Building 429's newest song, "Always" tells of God's faithfulness, even when all hope seems gone and you feel like you are living out a situation that is beyond what you can bear. The story behind the song is shared here.
Building each other up, not tearing down. Who couldn't use a little help in that area today?
2 days ago
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