I started off this post by saying that as women, there is something in us that yearns for more..... more for our children, more for ourselves, more for our friends and family members, but then I realized, maybe that isn't what it is. Maybe it is just ME. I am not talking about wanting more material things, I am talking about inside of me, who I am. Wanting WHO I AM to be pleasing to Him, no pretending, no masks.
Being content is a struggle for me. I don't mean in all areas of my life, but when it comes to being a mom, I always feel as if I need to keep learning, stretching, growing into the mom that my boys need. And because of that, I am always seeking ways to follow hard after God; because that is the best way to be the mom they need....to be whole in Him. And this is a daily thing for me, a daily choice to not live in my flesh and selfish desires, but to allow Him to love my boys through me. I want them to know Him by the way their mom and dad love them so that they will have a right view of the Father. That is my prayer.
My very first post talked about being 'all there' with your kids. 'Blink' brought that back around full circle today. I only have 28 more days before my boys' teachers have them for a larger chunk of the day than I do. I don't know Angie personally, just a blog I stumbled upon along this journey. But her blog is one that challenges me and one that I go back and read and re-read sometimes. Yes, I am just that thick-headed. I bet you can't relate.
Lord, please multiply our memories and moments in these next days.
2 days ago
I love Angie's blog. I strive to have the faith she has. Have you thought about doing a Project 365 type thing with your boys? If you are interested the KSBJ afternoon show blog has a how to type thing http://www.ksbj.org/eblogs/afternoonShow/index.php?paged=4
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