Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here's the Church, Here's the Steeple

The blogging world had endless possibilities as to what one can stumble upon and learn. It is amazing who or what you can discover by way of 6 degrees of separation (think the old Kevin Bacon game). Case in point...I am not sure how I stumbled upon this blog originally, but I liked his devotional-style writing and marked it to come back to later. At the time I discovered the blog, he wasn't updating it very often. I decided to check back yesterday and low and behold, he started a new blog. I believe he is onto something that will bless so many people.

His new blog is called Can I Wear Jeans and it allows people to find churches, in an area they are not familiar with, just like the church they love so much at home. Great, huh? How many times have friends you know moved to another city or state and spent months looking for a new church home? Or maybe you are vacationing and wanting to take the opportunity to visit a new church while you were away. This blog has such potential to take out so much of the guesswork when looking for a new church home.

Check out this new blog and scroll through the comments to make sure your church is on there. We all love our home church for good reason. Give someone else a chance to fall in love with it too!