As parents, we are always trying to stay one step ahead of potential danger lurking.
When a facebook post regarding internet filters appeared on my wall last week...I thought this would be a great thing to share.
But an internet filter isn't just to protect the kids in your house...let me explain.
A few years ago, a friend of mine shared with me a children's photograpy website called Chubby Foot Designs. When I went to check it out...I typed in Chubby Feet designs and let's just say that a lot of chubby showed up....but it was large ladies with not a stitch of clothes on.
I think I literally let out a primal scream of fear, shut down the site and immediately did several viral scrubs on my computer. I was so convinced this foul site had implanted their nastiness on my computer that I felt the need to warn the Best Buy guys, when taking my computer in for service over a year later, that if they found pictures of naked chubby women to please, for the love, remove them and that I DID NOT PUT THEM ON THERE. They assured me that had pretty much seen it all. And proceeded to laugh their heads off at the possibility of me having chubby girl nudey pictures on my computer.
Boy, would have I loved a filter right about then. Did I mention I also had another lovely site called Hot Lolita's imbedded on my computer?
And you thought this would be a boring post about internet filters.
This is not your typical Monday post, Ladies.
A website called Top Ten Reviews has done the research on internet filters so you don't have to....To read reviews of 10 highly-rate internet filter software choices go here.
Two others that have been mentioned in the responses are I Am Big Brother and Covenant Eyes..but I'll be honest and say I've heard mixed reviews regarding the later choice.
After 12+ comments on that particular post, the filter most recommended is YOU. Keep your
kid's computer in a public place like the kitchen, as much as you can.
So there you have it. Check the meat and spit out the bones, if you will..but at least give it a glance for future use.
And stay away from
2 days ago
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