Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Pharisee in Me

Authenticity is HARD.

Am I speaking to anybody? It is incredible challenging to live out what I say I live and love Biblically.

I am a born and bred, dyed in the wool 'good girl' . Growing up I rarely broke the rules or lived in a way that was contrary to how a rule-follower should. Did I live perfectly? Nope. But I would not have been viewed as rebellious or even 'edgy'. I can't say much has changed today....and I am not saying that is a good thing.

Abundant life isn't lived out by just living.

Recently at church, I realized that I do not have a heart for all that enter through our doors.

Did I just say that outloud?

As painfully honest as it is, the only way for me to move to a place where I might someday have that burden to love is to say it outloud and ask God to begin to chip away the layers that have covered up my compassion and mercy.

I saw this very thing described as I checked in on the blogs I read yesterday. You see, she is not only calling the people of God to love but she is truly giving an example of what 'loving it out' looks like.

What would my life, and in turn, my ministry look like if I adopted this kind of love?

This kind of love sees beyond the actions of a teen that puts her feet up on the brand-new Worship Center seats while text messaging during the sermon AND the time when people are making life-changing decisions with God, and sees she is seeking Someone who can fill all the empty places.

This kind of love reaches beyond a person who may not understand the how-to's of 'doing' church but made the choice to visit a church that can seat 3,000 people on any given Sunday...all of which might be complete strangers to him.

This kind of love chooses grace when dealing with those that act or think differently than her....and realizes with absolute certainty, someone, somewhere extends her that exact same grace.

Far fetched? Nope. Hard to swallow. Yes.

Sometimes people question why I take the time to read and keep up with the blogs I follow. My answer? It is for days like yesterday when something hits me right between the eyes and I am moved to change. God will use whatever He chooses to bring about the change He desires.

A bus or plane is not always required to reach your mission field.

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see

-Brandon Heath


Michele said...

Wow, that comic hit me "right between the eyes." Last Sunday at church as it took us forever to get into the parking lot, I complained "Where are all these people coming from?" Wrong attitude. Then our opening hymn was "All Are Welcome." I got the message. Great blog as always. :)

The Whitmarsh Crew said...

I meant to tell you today how much I love reading your blog. You challenge me, entertain me, and educate me all at the same time. I love it!

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