Having a son make the decision to ask Jesus into his heart and be baptized does something to you. It forces you to examine exactly how you live, what you speak and then decide if both are consistent. One would think that once a child chooses to follow and serve Christ, a sense of relief would come. Actually, it has been the opposite for me. If anything, it has created in me a sense of urgency to clean up my act and make sure I am equipping him with everything he needs to learn just what it means to serve God and love His Word. I know...I should have been doing that along. Thanks for stating the obvious, Smarty.
I am happy to report my requests have been heard as several Bible study teachers and pastors have been ALL up in my bizness...if you know what I mean. Here are just a few samples of teaching that have hit me right between the eyes:
*We as believers often live in a state of remorse instead of repentence. We walk around saying how bad we are and how bad we feel about it, but choose not to change. When will we make the decision to repent, turn around and walk/live in a different way? (Often a friend of mine will ask the question, "Do you want to be well?" ie, are you willing to make the choices in your life that will bring on real change and bring the contentment we are promised in Christ, but lack as we try to go at it alone)
*What can you now do that you have the Holy Spirit that you couldn't do before? And if the answer is 'nothing', then something is wrong. (2 Peter 1:3 says His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowlege of Him)
*Loneliness is a common feeling among many people today because we have spent our time on lots of surface-level relationships (Facebook, texting, email) instead of taking the time to cultivate deep friendships that will speak the truth in love, encourage and offer a source of accountability.
That's just a smattering...I'm still processing. I just wanted to be a friend and get in your bizness too.
Your welcome.
2 days ago
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