January 3rd....3 days into a new year.
But you know, today is the first Monday of the new year so TODAY is the day that gyms will be packed, new highlighters and journals will accompany morning quiet times and salads will be ordered at an alarming rate at lunchtime while bread and all things carbohydrate once again get the scarlet letter C.
What about you? Have any plans for new things this year? Goals, dreams, changes to be made? Be a better wife, mom or person in general? I've been that girl...2 years ago, to be exact.
And once again I'm reminded...if I make the Main Thing the main thing, 9 times out of 10, the other things fall into place.
How wonderful that I can resign from my self-appointed job as General Manager of the Universe. As if my believing that I had control over anything did anything...Ha!
Each year our pastor chooses a devotional for our church body to study together and the one chosen for 2011 is wonderful...3 days in, I might add.
Worship the King by Chris Tiegreen is meaty but concise. You'll either find yourself saying 'Amen' or 'Ouch', depending on the day.
He has 2 others that are worth a look as well: Walk With God and One Year at His Feet.
Looking for a few others that say what needs to be said but doesn't take forever to get to the point? Check out
Finding God's Will by Gregg Matte
Made to Crave by Lisa TerKeurst
From Head to Foot: All of You Living For Him by Annie Downs
Deeper: Living in the Reality of God's Love by Debbie Alsdorf
Happy 2011. Here's to a clean slate and endless possibilities. He has great plans for each one of you! Watch and see, Sisters, watch and see.
2 days ago
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