We have a phrase in our house which can be heard when anyone resembles Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh....or when the bottom lip is protruding over the top....or when those sweet faces are carrying a scowl that could scare off Cruela DaVille.
That is a 'Why-are-you-so-downcast-oh-my-soul' moment.
The kids don't really appreciate the wit but my man does, and let's just be honest, laughter is what gets you through the day sometimes.
That's been me the past week or so.
Downcast oh my soul.
Lately, it seems like no one can catch a break. Not for me personally, but with certain people we know and hold close to our hearts.
Tray's Young Life Leader, the one completely responsible for him coming to know the Lord, was healed and called Home after a hard fought battle with brain cancer. His two sweet boys will hear of his legacy because it is both deep and wide.
A friend from college just discovered she has an aggressive form of breast cancer and her insurance company is being rather fussy about her treatment.
Another friend from high school whose husband's cancer is back. He's in the middle of a daily chemo treatment this very week.
My little friend, Witt will have open heart surgery tomorrow as another sweet little one is one day closer to Eternal Healing from a cancer that is taking over her little body.
A precious college friend whose 5-month-old baby boy has several surgeries in his future, and several already under his belt.
My list looks a bit like yours, I'm guessing, because each one of us has someone fighting a battle of their own today.
And that is when it becomes extremely obvious that extending intentional grace to those around us is incredibly important. Hard at times? Sure. But oh so important.
When we hear their stories of raw honesty and faith, put faces with those stories and we get a tiny glimpse into their lives, we are granted the privilege to learn from them as they hope, question, live out this current season of their lives and then cling to God as He is the one that is sovereign over it all.
It turns our focus to something far bigger than ourselves and the daily frustrations that we give way too much energy to.
I don't tell you all this to make you sad or for you to feel sorry for them.
That is not what any of them would want.
Instead, try viewing today through a different lens. Be present today with your family. Let something that seems gigantic in the moment, roll off you like water to a duck because in the grand scheme of things, it won't be gigantic long-term. Heck, maybe not even within 2 hours that very same day.
Perspective is such a gift. Don't miss it...I know I have been guilty of that in the past.
In an effort to change my focus yesterday, Fun Laurie showed up and made red velvet cake balls with her two cuties. About 10 minutes in when our hands and countertop were stained red from said red velvet cake, I swore off ever making this sounds-good-in-theory recipe ever again.
But after I got the kids in bed and figured out the best way to achieve ample chocolate coverage without the balls totally breaking apart, I realized they weren't so bad after all.....not to mention the finished product was pretty darn tasty. Gotta love those 600 readers' comments below the actual post. Women are a wealth of knowledge, I tell you, and we aren't so shy in sharing, are we?
And it was while reading those comments that I happen to see that you can make the same recipe using chocolate cake and german chocolate icing.
Oh sweet mama.
I'm SO making these cake balls again. And a batch of these for good measure.
Because a sugary treat can brighten any day.....even when it is 100% chance of rain.
2 days ago
Loving this post. I wrote about the very same thing today. I love YOUR perspective Laurie. It's a welcome sight today :-)
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